- On
the Portfolio Properties of Real Estate in Good Times and Bad Times
(with J. Sa-Aadu and James Shilling), Real Estate Economics,
2010, 38(3), 529–565.
- Binomial
Option Pricing Biases and Inconsistent Implied Volatilities (with Brent Lekvin), European Financial Management, 4,
2001, 543-562.
- Price
Discovery and Price Improvement on a Primary Market: Evidence from the
American Stock Exchange (with Puneet Handa and Robert Schwartz), Journal of Portfolio Management,
25(3), Spring 1999, 55-64.
- The
Ecology of An Order Driven Market (with Puneet
Handa and Robert Schwartz),
Journal of Portfolio Management, 47-55, Winter,
1998. French translation in Organization and Quality of Equity
Markets, Didier Davydoff and Bertrand Jacquillat, editors, Presses Universitaires
de France (PUF). Spanish extension and translation in Bolsa De Madrid, 18-28, Numero
60, November, 1997.
- Business
Cycles and Stock Market Returns: Evidence Using Industry-Based
Portfolios (with Venkat Eleswarapu),
Journal of Financial Research, Spring
1996, 121-134.