Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Marketing
DEO (Department Executive Officer) of Marketing
Department of Marketing
Phone: (319) 335-0993
Fax: (319) 335-3690
Email: gary-j-russell@uiowa.edu
Joined the
Education: PhD,
Five of my articles are listed on the Marketing
Models comprehensive exam reading list of AMA DocSIG, the doctoral student
organization of the American Marketing Association.
Winner of the 2008 William R. Davidson Award for
the article: Moon, Sangkil, Gary J. Russell and Sri Devi Duvvuri (2006),
“Profiling the Reference Price Consumer,” Journal
of Retailing, 82 (1), 1-11.
· First Prize in the 2002 MSI Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition was awarded to my doctoral student, Sangkil Moon.
· Finalist in the 1999 Paul E. Green Award competition for the article: Bucklin, Randolph E., Gary J. Russell and V. Srinivasan (1998), “A Relationship Between Price Elasticities and Brand Switching Probabilities,” Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (February), 99-113.
Winner of the 1999 William R. Davidson Award for
the article:
Finalist (Runner-up) in the 1994 William F.
O'Dell Award competition for the article:
Recipient of $60,000 grant from the Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for the project
“Category Management: The Retailer's Perspective,” April 1994. My research proposal was ranked 7th out of
169 applications received by the SSHRC research awards committee. This grant
supported work on two articles: (1) Bucklin, Randolph E., Gary J. Russell
and V. Srinivasan (1998), “A Relationship Between Price Elasticities and Brand
Switching Probabilities,” Journal of
Marketing Research, 35 (February); and (2)
Finalist for the 1993 William F. O'Dell
Award. Two of my articles were cited:
Co-winner (with Wagner A.
Honorable Mention, 1985 American Marketing
Association Doctoral Dissertation Competition. This work is described in:
Area Editor, Marketing
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of
Marketing Research
of the Editorial Board, Review of Marketing Science
Ad Hoc Reviewer for: Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, The Economics Journal, American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Competition, and Marketing Science Institute Doctoral Dissertation Competition
· American Marketing Association
· American Statistical Association
· Institute of Management Sciences (INFORMS)