Robert Thomas Holmes Professor of Business Analytics
Professor of Statistics and Actuarial Science
Tippie College of Business
College of Liberal Arts
S352 Pappajohn Business Building
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa, 52242
tel.: 319-335-3814
FAX: 319-335-0297
Ph.D., Statistics
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975
M.S., Statistics
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972
M.S., Social and Economic Statistics
University of Vienna, 1974
professional experience
Professor of Statistics/Actuarial Science and Professor of Management Sciences, University of Iowa, 1987-
Professor of Statistics (tenured), Vienna University
of Economics and Business, Austria, 2002-2015 (Emeritus Professor since 2015)
Associate Investigator, Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Loss, Iowa City VA Health Care System, 2011-
Visiting Professor of Statistics, Stanford University (summer term), 2014 and 2016
Visiting Professor of Econometrics and Statistics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business (winter and spring terms), 2011
Professor (o. Univ. Prof.) and Chair, Department of Statistics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, 1997-2002
Visiting Professor of Statistics, Yale University, 1994-1995
Associate Professor of Statistics/Actuarial Science and Management Sciences, University of Iowa, 1982-1987
Visiting Associate Professor, Princeton University, 1985-1986
Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria, 1985
Assistant Professor of Statistics/Actuarial Science and Management Sciences, University of Iowa, 1978-1982
Research Associate, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1977-1978
Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis (IIASA), 1976-1977
Consultant, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna, Austria, 1976-1977
professional honors
Elected Fellow, American Society for Quality, 2010
Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1991
Elected Member, International Statistical Institute, 1991
Fulbright Scholarship, 1971-1974
Ledolter, J., Schebeck, F. and Thury, G.: Forecasting
Using Leading Indicators: Some Empirical Evidence for Austria, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1981
Abraham, B. and Ledolter, J.: Statistical Methods for
Forecasting, Wiley & Sons, 1983 (Second edition, 2005)
Hogg, R. V. and Ledolter, J.: Engineering Statistics,
Macmillan, 1987
Hogg, R. V. and Ledolter, J.: Applied Statistics for
Engineers and Physical Scientists, Macmillan, 1992
Ledolter, J. and Burrill, C. W.: Statistical Quality
Control: Strategies and Tools for Continual Improvement, Wiley & Sons,
Burrill, C. W. and Ledolter, J.: Achieving Quality
Through Continual Improvement, Wiley & Sons, 1999
Abraham, B. and Ledolter, J.: Introduction to Regression
Modeling, Duxbury Press, 2006
Ledolter, J. and Swersey, A.J.: Testing 1 – 2 – 3: Experimental Design with Applications in Marketing and Service Operations, Stanford University Press, 2007
Ledolter, J. and Hogg, R. V.: Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists, Prentice Hall, 2009
Ledolter, J.: Data Mining and Business Analytics, Wiley & Sons, 2013
Ledolter, J. and VanderVelde, L.S.: Analyzing Textual Information: From Words to Meanings through Numbers, SAGE Publishing (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences), 2021.
book-related materials
Analyzing Textual Information
SAGE Publications, Inc.
Data Mining
Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists
Prentice Hall, 2009
Testing 1 – 2 – 3: Experimental Design with Applications in Marketing and Service Operations
Stanford University Press, 2007
Introduction to Regression Modeling
Duxbury Press, 2006
NOTE: Our book, Abraham, B. and Ledolter, J.: Introduction to Regression Modeling, originally published in 2006 by Duxbury Press and later purchased by Cengage, a company under bankruptcy for nine months, is now under our OWN COPYRIGHT.
We are now able to provide the book and the instructor manual free of charge. You can download the material from this website.
Please acknowledge any use of this material under our copyright. Contact us with comments and suggestions, and if you really like the book, consider making a donation to a local food bank.
Statistical Quality Control: Strategies and Tools for Continual Improvement
Wiley, 1999
Statistical Methods for Forecasting
Wiley, 1983
Solutions to Problems
Business Education
Finalist for Rektor of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Time series analysis and forecasting: I study the modeling and the prediction of univariate and multivariate time series; ARIMA models; state space models; smoothing and shrinkage methods; time series models for count data; the detection of outliers and adaptive estimation, and the reduction of dimensionality in multiple time series.
Statistical methods for process improvement: The results of well-designed experiments can tell us how to improve processes. I study and apply sound design principles to conduct industrial experiments, economic/business field experiments, and animal experiments. Statistical surveillance of processes can tell us whether process characteristics have changed. I study statistical control chart methods (CUSUM charts, robust control charts) for time-change detection.
Application of statistical methods in the health sciences, especially in anesthesiology and ophthalmology: My work with the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Iowa deals with the analysis of patient data to improve the managerial aspects of care. My work with the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Loss at the Iowa City VA Health Care System includes the design of animal studies to study traumatic brain injury and the analysis of the resulting data, the development of statistical methods for the detection of functional and structural changes of the eye, and the analysis of nerve damage in the eye due to diabetes.
I have taught beginning and advanced courses on statistical methods at the University of Iowa (Tippie College of Business and Department of Statistics/Actuarial Science), Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna), Stanford University, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Yale University, and Princeton University.
I have taught courses on Mathematical Statistics, Linear Models, Regression Analysis, Analysis and Design of Experiments I and II, Multivariate Statistical Techniques, Time Series Analysis I and II, Recent Topics in Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical Sciences, Biostatistics, Business Analytics for MBA, Advanced Business Analytics for MBA, Business Analytics for Executive MBA, Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement, Statistical Methods (undergraduate) I and II, Applied Statistical Methods in Forestry and Environmental Studies, introductory and advanced courses on Statistical Methods (in German).
Teaching Awards
Great Instructor of the Year Award. Executive MBA Program, Henry B. Tippie College of
Business, University of Iowa, 1999
Dean's Teaching Award, Henry B. Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, 2005
College of Business Nomination for the University of Iowa President/Provost Teaching
Award, 2005
I have presented short courses for business and industry on Statistical Modeling, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement; and Business Analytics and Data Mining.
I have consulted with US and European companies including Ford Motor Company, Procter and Gamble, Northstar Steel, HON Industries, Meredith Publishing, Iowa Pork Producers, State of California, Ticona/Celanese, American Express, Bemis Corporation, Lenzing Fiber (Austria), Telekom Austria.