Analyzing Textual Information
SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 1: introduction
- Introduction to R (folder: document with practice data files)
- MoreUsefulSoftware.pdf: Other Useful Software for Text Analysis
- test.csv: Data set for the illustration
- ProgramTest.docx: R program for the illustration
- ProgramTest.Rmd: RMD file when running R-Studio
An RMD file is an R Markdown file created using RStudio, an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language. It contains YAML (Ain’t Markup Language) metadata, markdown-formatted plain text, and chunks of R code that, when rendered using RStudio, combine to form a sophisticated data analysis document.
- ProgramTest.html: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) file containing R code and R output
- combineterms.docx: R program to combine terms of a document-term matrix
- combineterms.Rmd: R Markdown file created using RStudio
- combineterms.html: HTML file containing R code and R output