Analyzing Textual Information
SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 5: Metavariables and the Text Analysis Stratified on Metavariables
- Chapter5TerrPapersRCode1.docx and Chapter5TerrPapersRCode2.docx: Programs to process the letters of the Territorial Papers. Visualization of the metavariables and stratified text analysis
- datacomb.csv: Raw data for the Territorial Papers
- Chapter5CongressRCode.docx: Program to process the Speeches of the 39th Congress: Visualization of the metavariables and stratified text analysis
- PrelimData.RData: Raw R data for 39th Congress
- ExtractDocuments.docx: Extracting and saving documents that contain specified query words (uses combined39.txt as an example)
- combine39.txt: Raw data for the 39th Congress (without metavariables)