Publication List
- A. Albashayreh, K. Herr, W. Fan, W. N. Street, and S. Gilbertson-White.
Harnessing natural language processing and high-dimensional clinical notes
to detect goals-of-care and surrogate-designation conversations.
Clinical Nursing Research, accepted.
- B. Mueller, W. N. Street, S. Baek, Q. Lin, J. Yang, and
Y. Huang.
FedPAE: Peer-adaptive ensemble learning for asynchronous and
model-heterogeneous federated learning.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2024.
- B. An, X. Zhou, A. Khezerlou, W. N. Street, and J. Luo.
- LISA: Learning-integrated space partitioning framework for
traffic accident forecasting on heterogeneous spatiotemporal
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2024.
- B. R. Griffin, A. Mudireddy, B. D. Horne, M. Chonchol,
S. L. Goldstein, M. Goto, M. E. Matheny, W. N. Street,
M. Vaughan-Sarrazin, D. Jalal, and J. Misurac.
Predicting nephrotoxic acute kidney injury in hospitalized adults: A
machine learning algorithm.
Kidney Medicine 6(12), December 2024.
- R. Ragodos, M. Nukunu-Attachey, and W. N. Street.
- SRRL: Statistically Relevant Rule Lists for explanation of data
generation processes.
INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics, October 2024.
- S. Chae, W. N. Street, N. Ramaraju, S. Gilbertson-White.
Prediction of cancer symptom trajectory using longitudinal electronic
health record (EHR) data and long short-term memory neural
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 8, March 2024.
- S. Srivistava, Z. Xu, Y. Li, W. N. Street, and S. Gilbertson-White.
Gaussian process regression and classification using
international disease classification codes as covariates.
Stat 12(1), October 2023.
- B. Mueller, W. N. Street, R. W. Carnahan, and S. Lee.
Evaluating the performance of machine learning methods for risk
estimation of delirium in patients hospitalized from the emergency
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, March 2023.
- F. Cakir, B. W. Thomas, and W. N. Street.
- Rollout-based routing strategies with embedded prediction: A
fish trawling application.
Computers & Operations Research 150, February 2023.
- S. Anzabi Zadeh, B. W. Thomas, and W. N. Street.
- Optimizing warfarin dosing using deep reinforcement learning.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 137, January 2023.
- S. Chae, C. Cherwin, W. N. Street, S. A. Moorhead, G. Brown,
and S. Gilbertson-White.
Longitudinal subgrouping of cancer patients with similar symptom
experiences: A systematic review.
Oncology Nursing Forum 49(4):E17-E30, July 2022.
- J. Lee, S. Lee, W. N. Street, and L. A. Polgreen.
Machine learning approaches to predict the
1-year-after-initial-AMI survival of elderly patients.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 22, 115, April 2022.
- B. An, A. Vahedian, X. Zhou, W. N. Street, and Y. Li.
HintNet: Hierarchical knowledge transfer networks for
traffic accident forecasting on heterogeneous spatio-temporal
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, April 2022.
- A. Vahedian Khezerlou, X. Zhou, X. Li, W. N. Street and
Y. Li.
DILSA+: Predicting urban dispersal events through deep
survival analysis with enhanced urban features.
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 12(4),
August 2021.
- J. Rios, K. Zhao, W. N. Street, H. Tian and X. Zheng.
A hybrid deep learning model for dynamic stock movement
predictions based on supply chain networks.
Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS),
December 2020.
- M. T. Lash and W. N. Street.
Personalized cardiovascular disease risk mitigation via
longitudinal inverse classification.
IEEE BIBM Workshop in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for
BioMedicine and HealthCare (AIBH), December 2020.
- E. Pahl, W. N. Street, H. Johnson and A. Reed.
A predictive model for kidney transplant graft survival using
machine learning.
International Conference on Big Data & Health Informatics
(BDHI), November 2020.
- A. R. Marra, M. Alzunitan, O. Abosi, M. B. Edmond,
W. N. Street, J. W. Cromwell, and J. L. Salinas.
Modest Clostridiodes difficile infection prediction using
machine learning models in a tertiary care hospital.
Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease 98(2), October 2020.
- X. Wang, K. Zhao, X. Zhou, and W. N. Street.
Predicting user posting activities in online health
communities with deep learning.
Transactions on Management Information Systems 11(3), July 2020.
- Y. Ding, W. N. Street, L. Tong, and S. Wang.
An ensemble method for data imputation.
IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics
(ICHI), June 2019.
- S. Lee, N. Mohr, W. N. Street, P. Nadkarni.
Machine learning in relation to emergency medicine clinical
and operational scenarios: A review.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 20(2):219-227, March
- M. T. Lash, M. Zhang, X. Zhou, W. N. Street, and
C. F. Lynch.
Deriving enhanced geographical representations via
similarity-based spectral analysis: Predicting colorectal cancer
survival curves in Iowa.
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 21(3),
February 2019.
- A. Vahedian, X. Zhou, L. Tong, W. N. Street, and Y. Li.
Predicting urban dispersal events: A two-stage framework through
deep survival analysis on mobility data.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, HI,
January 2019.
- J. Rios, K. Zhao, and W. N. Street.
Predicting stock price movements via multi-relational inter-firm
INFORMS Workshop on Data Science, Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.
- W. Wang and W. N. Street.
- Modeling and maximizing influence
diffusion in social networks for viral marketing.
Applied Network Science 3(6), 2018.
- S. Yasar Saglam and W. N. Street.
Distant diversity in dynamic class prediction.
Annals of Operations Research 263(1-2):5-19, April 2018.
W. Wang and W. N. Street.
Modeling influence diffusion in social networks for viral
6th International Conference on Complex Networks & Their
Applications (poster paper), Lyon, France, November 2017.
M. T. Lash, Y. Sun, X. Zhou, C. F. Lynch and W. N. Street.
Learning rich geographical representations:
Predicting colorectal cancer survival in the state of Iowa.
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and
Biomedicine (BIBM 2017), Kansas City, MO, November 2017.
M. T. Lash, Q. Lin, W. N. Street and J. G. Robinson.
A budget-constrained inverse
classification framework for smooth classifiers.
IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Science and Big Data Analytics
(DSBDA-2017), New Orleans, LA, November 2017.
L. Duan, Y. Liu, W. N. Street and H. Lu.
Utilizing advances in correlation analysis for community
structure detection.
Expert Systems with Applications 84:74-91, October 2017.
X. Wang, K. Zhao and W. N. Street.
Analyzing and predicting user participations in online health
communities: A social support perspective.
Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(4), April 2017.
M. Lash, Q. Lin, W. N. Street, J. G. Robinson and
J. W. Ohlmann.
Generalized inverse classification.
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2017), Houston,
TX, April 2017.
- W. Wang and W. N. Street.
- Finding hierarchical communities in
complex networks using influence-guided label propagation.
IEEE ICDM 2015 Workshop on Data Mining in Networks,
Atlantic City, NJ, November 2015.
- S. Yasar Saglam and W. N. Street.
- Diversity in dynamic class prediction.
Tenth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Analytics,
Philadelphia, PA, November 2015.
- W. Wang, W. N. Street and R. E. de Matta.
- Topological resilience analysis of
supply networks under random
disruptions and targeted attacks.
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks
Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), Paris, August 2015.
- W. Wang and W. N. Street.
- Modeling influence diffusion to uncover
influence centrality and community structure in social networks.
Social Network Analysis and Mining 5:15, April 2015.
- S. Yasar Saglam and W. N. Street.
- Dynamic class prediction with classifier
based distance measure.
The Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2014),
Gardens Point, Australia, November 2014.
- X. Wang, K. Zhao and W. N. Street.
- Predicting user engagement in online health
communities based on social support activities.
Ninth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Analytics, San
Francisco, CA, November 2014.
- L. Duan, W. N. Street, Y. Liu, S. Xu and B. Wu.
- Selecting the right correlation measure for
binary data.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 9(14), article
13, September 2014.
- L. Duan and W. N. Street.
- Speeding up maximal fully-correlated
itemsets search in large databases.
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,
August 2014.
- W. Wang and W. N. Street.
- A novel algorithm for community
detection and influence ranking in social networks.
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks
Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014), Beijing, China, August 2014.
- L. Duan, W. N. Street, Y. Liu and H. Lu.
- Community detection in graphs through
20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD 2014), New York, NY, August 2014.
- A. Gbegnon, J. Monestina, W. N. Street and J. W. Cromwell.
- Predicting surgical site infections in
real time.
ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Health Informatics (HI-KDD 2014),
New York, NY, August 2014.
- X. Wang, K. Zhao, and W. N. Street.
- Social support and user engagement in
online health communities.
International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH 2014), Beijing,
China, July 2014.
- M. Rechenthin, W. N. Street and P. Srinivasan.
- Stock chatter: Using stock sentiment to
predict price direction.
Algorithmic Finance 2(3):169-196, January 2014.
- M. Rechenthin and W. N. Street.
- Using conditional probability to
identify trends in intra-day high-frequency equity pricing.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
392(24):6169-6188, December 2013.
- L. Duan, W. N. Street and Y. Liu.
- Speeding up correlation search
for binary data.
Pattern Recognition Letters 34:1499-1507, 2013.
- M. Khoshneshin and W. N. Street.
- A graphical model for multi-relational
social network analysis.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Workshop on Structured Learning: Inferring Graphs from
Structured and Unstructured Inputs, Atlanta, GA, June 2013.
- J. Gee, H. Bailey, K. Kim, J. Kolesar, T. Havighurst,
K. D. Tutsch, W. See, M. Cohen, W. N. Street, L. LeVan,
D. Jarrard and G. Wilding.
- Phase II open label, multi-center
clinical trial of biomarker modulation by
1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 in patients with
prostate cancer and high grade PIN.
The Prostate 73(9):970–978, June 2013.
- L. Duan, M. Khoshneshin, W. N. Street and M. Liu.
- Adverse drug effect detection.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 17(2):305-311,
March 2013.
- H. Lu, Y. Hong, W. N. Street, F. Wang, and H. Tong.
- Overlapping clustering with sparseness
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop on
Optimization Based Techniques for Emerging Data Mining,
Dallas, TX, December 2012.
- C.-L. Chi, W. N. Street, J. G. Robinson and M. A. Crawford.
- Individualized patient-centered lifestyle
recommendations: An expert system for communicating patient
specific cardiovascular risk information and prioritizing
lifestyle options.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45(6):1164-1174, December
- S.-C. Chin, W. N. Street and A. Teredesai.
- Discovering meaningful cut-points to
predict high HbA1C variation.
Seventh INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics,
Phoenix, AZ, October 2012.
- K. Hanrahan, A. M. McCarthy, C. Kleiber, K. Ataman, W. N. Street,
M. B. Zimmerman and A. L. Ersig.
- Building a computer program to support
children, parents and distraction during healthcare procedures.
Computers, Informatics, Nursing 30(10):554-561, October 2012.
- S.-C. Chin and W. N. Street.
- Survival analysis on click logs.
ACM International Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2012), Portland, OR, August 2012
(poster paper).
(Romanian version, courtesy of azoft)
- S.-C. Chin, C. Madlock-Brown, W. N. Street and
D. Eichmann.
- Firework visualization: A model for
local citation analysis.
Second ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics
Symposium (IHI 2012), Miami Beach, FL, January 2012.
- C. Yang, W. N. Street and J. G. Robinson.
- 10-year CVD risk prediction and
minimization via inverse classification.
Second ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium
(IHI 2012), Miami Beach, FL, January 2012.
- M. Khoshneshin, W. N. Street and P. Srinivasan.
- Bayesian embedding of
co-occurrence data for query-based visualization.
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA 2011), Honolulu, HI, December 2011 (poster paper).
- M. Khoshneshin and W. N. Street.
A latent factor graph for cancer diagnosis using microarray gene
expression data.
Sixth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health
Informatics, Charlotte, NC, November 2011.
- S.-C. Chin and W. N. Street.
- Using Gaussian processes to
monitor diabetes development.
Sixth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health
Informatics, Charlotte, NC, November 2011.
- M. Khoshneshin, M. A. Basir, P. Srinivasan, W. N. Street and
B. Hand.
- Analyzing the language evolution of
a science classroom via a topic model.
KDD-2011 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data,
San Diego, CA, August 2011.
- S.-C. Chin and W. N. Street.
- Enriching Wikipedia vandalism taxonomy
via subclass discovery.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligences
(IJCAI) Workshop on Discovering Meaning on the Go in Large and
Heterogeneous Data (LHD-11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
- S.-C. Chin and W. N. Street.
Divide and transfer: An exploration of segmented transfer
to detect Wikipedia vandalism.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Workshop on
Unsupervised and Transfer Learning, Bellevue, WA, July 2011.
Journal of Machine Learning: Workshop and Conference Proceedings
27:133-144, 2012.
- L. Duan, W. N. Street and E. Xu.
- Healthcare information systems: Data mining
methods in the creation of a clinical recommender system.
Enterprise Information Systems 5(2):169-181, May 2011.
- M. Khoshneshin, M. Ghazizadeh, W. N. Street and
J. W. Ohlmann.
- A memetic heuristic for the
co-clustering problem.
Fifth International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of
Network, Information, and Computing Systems (Bionetics 2010),
Cambridge, MA, December 2010.
- C.-L. Chi, W. N. Street and D. A. Katz
- A decision support system for
cost-effective diagnosis.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 50(3):149-161, November 2010.
- C. Yang, W. N. Street, D.-F. Lu and L. Lanning.
- A data mining approach to MPGN type II renal
survival analysis.
First ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2010),
pages 454-458, Arlington, VA, November 2010.
- M. Khoshneshin and W. N. Street.
- Collaborative filtering via
Euclidean embedding.
Fourth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pages 87-94,
Barcelona, Spain, September 2010.
- M. Khoshneshin and W. N. Street.
- Incremental collaborative
filtering via evolutionary co-clustering.
Fourth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pages 325-328,
Barcelona, Spain, September 2010.
- S.-C. Chin, R. DeCook, W. N. Street and D. Eichmann.
- Text normalization selection models for
enhanced retrieval accuracy.
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT) Workshop
on Semantic Search, Los Angeles, CA, June 2010.
- S.-C. Chin, W. N. Street, P. Srinivasan, and D. Eichmann.
- Detecting Wikipedia vandalism with
active learning and statistical language models.
Fourth Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web
(WICOW 2010), Raleigh, NC, April 2010.
- L. Duan and W. N. Street.
- Finding maximal fully-correlated
itemsets in large databases.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2009),
pages 770-775, Miami, FL, December 2009.
- J. Wang and W. N. Street.
- Estimating missing attribute
values using dynamically-ordered attribute trees.
Fourth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and System
Informatics, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
- S. Yasar Saglam and W. N. Street.
- Dynamic ensemble construction
via heuristic optimization.
Fourth INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and System
Informatics, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
- D.-F. Lu, W. N. Street, F. Currim, R. Hylock and
C. Delaney.
- A data modeling process for decomposing
healthcare patient data sets.
Online Journal of Nursing Informatics 13(1), February 2009.
- R. Hylock, W. N. Street and D.-F. Lu.
NursingCareWare: Warehousing and knowledge discovery for a
nursing care data set.
Third INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health
Informatics, Washington, D.C., October 2008.
- L. Duan, W. N. Street and D.-F. Lu.
A nursing care plan recommender system using a data mining
Third INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health
Informatics, Washington, D.C., October 2008.
- C.-L. Chi and W. N. Street.
The optimal diagnostic decision sequence.
American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium
(AMIA 2008) (poster paper), page 902, Washington, D.C.,
November 2008.
- Y. Zhang and W. N. Street.
- Bagging with adaptive costs.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
20(5):577-588, May 2008.
- C.-L. Chi, W. N. Street and M. M. Ward.
Building a hospital referral expert system with a prediction and
optimization-based decision support system algorithm.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41:371-386, April 2008.
- C.-L. Chi, W. N. Street and W. H. Wolberg.
- Application of artificial neural
network-based survival analysis on two breast cancer
American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium
(AMIA 2007), pages 130-134, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
- C.-L. Chi and W. N. Street.
- A data mining technique for
risk-stratification diagnosis.
American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium
(AMIA 2007) (poster paper), page 909, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
- D. Yuan and W. N. Street.
- HACS: A heuristic algorithm for clustering
of subsets.
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM07),
Minneapolis, MN, April 2007.
- Y. Zhang, S. Burer and W. N. Street.
- Ensemble pruning via
semi-definite programming.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 7:1315-1338, July 2006.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street and F. Menczer.
- Optimal ensemble construction via
meta-evolutionary ensembles.
Expert Systems with Applications 30(4):705-714, May 2006.
- X. Y. Qiu, P. Srinivasan and W. N. Street.
- Exploring the forecasting potential of
company annual reports.
American Society for Information science and Technology
(ASIS&T 2006), November 2006.
- K. Ataman, W. N. Street and Y. Zhang.
- Learning to rank by maximizing AUC
with linear programming.
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN
2006), pages 123-129, July 2006.
- K. Ataman and W. N. Street.
- Hierarchical local
clustering for constraint reduction in rank-optimizing linear
First INFORMS Workshop on Artficial Intelligence and Data Mining,
Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006.
- D.-F. Lu, W. N. Street and C. Delaney.
- Knowledge discovery: Detecting elderly
patients with impaired mobility.
Ninth International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI 2006),
pages 121-123, June 2006.
- Y. Zhang and W. N. Street.
- Bagging with adaptive costs.
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2005),
pages 825-828, December 2005.
- Y. Zhang, W. N. Street and S. Burer.
- Sharing classifiers among ensembles from
related problem domains.
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2005),
pages 522-529, December 2005.
- K. T. Phillips and W. N. Street.
Predicting outcomes of hospitalization for heart failure using
logistic regression and knowledge discovery methods.
American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium
(AMIA 2005) (poster paper), page 1080, Washington, D.C.,
October 2005.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street, G. Russell and F. Menczer.
Customer targeting: A neural network approach
guided by genetic algorithms.
Management Science 51(2):264-276, February 2005.
- W. N. Street.
- Oblique multicategory decision trees using
nonlinear programming.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 17(1):25-31, Winter 2005.
- E. Catona, P. Srinivasan, W. N. Street.
- Protien annotation with GO codes.
11th World Congress on Medical Informatics (Medinfo 2004),
page 1543.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Cluster-driven refinement for content-based
digital image retrieval.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(6):817-827, December 2004.
- Y. Kim and W. N. Street.
An intelligent system for customer targeting: A
data mining approach.
Decision Support Systems 37(2):215-228, 2004.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- A time- and memory-efficient algorithm
for automated segmentation of breast cancer nuclei.
Journal of Korea Information Science Society 30(9-10):973--982,
October 2003 (in Korean).
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- An adaptive resource-allocating network for
automated detection, segmentation, and classification of breast
cancer nuclei.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 14(3):680-687, May 2003.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Model-based detection, segmentation and
classification for image analysis using on-line shape learning.
Machine Vision and Applications 13(4):222-233, 2003.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street, F. Menczer, and G. J. Russell.
- Feature selection in data mining.
In J. Wang, editor, Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges,
Idea Group Publishing, 2003, pages 80-105.
- F. Menczer, A. E. Monge and W. N. Street.
- Adaptive assistants for customized
IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(6):12-19, Nov-Dec 2002.
- W. H. Wolberg and W. N. Street.
- Computer-generated nuclear features
compared to axillary lymph node status and tumor size as
indicators of breast cancer survival.
Human Pathology 33(11):1086-1091, Nov. 2002.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street and F. Menczer.
- Evolutionary model selection in unsupervised
Intelligent Data Analysis 6:531-556, 2002.
- F. Menczer, W. N. Street, N. Vishwakarma, A. Monge and
M. Jakobsson.
IntelliShopper: A proactive, personal, private shopping
First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2002), pages 1001-1008, July 2002.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Incremental feature weight learning and its
application to a shape-based query system.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23(7): 865-874, May 2002.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street and F. Menczer.
Meta-Evolutionary Ensembles.
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN
2002), pages 2791-2796, May 2002.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Intelligent object-based image retrieval
using cluster-driven personal preference learning.
24th ACM International Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2001), pages 436-437, September
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Intelligent image analysis using adaptive
resource-allocating network.
IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal
Processing 2001, pages 363-372, September 2001.
- W. N. Street and Y. Kim.
- A streaming ensemble algorithm (SEA) for
large-scale classification.
Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery & Data Mining (KDD-01), pages 377-382, San
Francisco, CA, August 2001.
- K. Lee and W. N. Street.
- Automatic feature mining for personalized
digital image retrieval.
International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDM/KDD 2001),
pages 38-43, San Francisco, CA, August 2001.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street and F. Menczer.
- Unsupervised model selection via
evolutionary local search.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-01) Workshop on Wrappers for Performance Enhancement in
Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pages 9-14, Seattle, WA,
August 2001.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street and F. Menczer.
- An evolutionary multi-objective local selection
algorithm for customer targeting.
Congress on Evolutionary Computing (CEC2001), pages 759-766,
Seoul, Korea, May 2001.
- F. Menczer, W. N. Street, M. Degeratu.
Evolving heterogeneous neural agents by local selection.
In V. Honavar, M. Patel and K. Balakrishnan, editors, Advances in
the Evolutionary Synthesis of Intelligent Agents, MIT Press,
2001, pages 337-366.
- K.-M. Lee and W. N. Street
- Automatic segmentation and classification
using on-line shape learning.
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Workshop on the Application of
Computer Vision (WACV2000), pages 64-70, Palm Springs, CA,
December 2000.
- Y. Kim and W. N. Street
- CoIL Challenge 2000: Choosing and explaining
likely caravan insurance customers.
In P. van der Putten and M. van Someren (eds), CoIL
Challenge 2000: The Insurance Company Case. Sentient Machine Research,
Amsterdam, June 2000. Winner, description task.
- K.-M. Lee and W. N. Street
- Dynamic learning of shape for automatic object
In ICML-2000 Workshop on Machine Learning of Spatial
Knowledge, pages 44-49, Stanford, CA, June-July 2000.
- K.-M. Lee and W. N. Street
- Learning shapes for automatic image
In Proceedings of the INFORMS-KORMS Conference, pages 1461-1468,
Seoul, Korea, June 2000.
- Y. Kim, W. N. Street, and F. Menczer
- Feature selection in unsupervised learning
via evolutionary search.
In Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGKDD International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-00),
pages 365-369, 2000.
- K.-M. Lee and W. N. Street
- Generalized Hough transforms with flexible
In Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI), Las Vegas, NV, June 2000.
- F. Menczer, M. Degeratu, and W. N. Street.
Efficient and scalable Pareto optimization by evolutionary local
selection algorithms.
Evolutionary Computation 8(2): 223-247, Summer 2000.
- W. N. Street.
Xcyt: A system for remote cytological diagnosis and
prognosis of breast cancer.
In L.C. Jain, editor, Soft Computing Techniques in Breast Cancer
Prognosis and Diagnosis, World Scientific Publishing,
Singapore, 2000, pages 297-322.
- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Importance of nuclear morphology in breast
cancer prognosis.
Clinical Cancer Research 5, 3542-3548, November 1999.
- K.-M. Lee and W. N. Street.
- A fast and robust approach for automated
segmentation of breast cancer nuclei.
In Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on
Computer Graphics and Imaging, Palm Springs, CA, October 1999,
pages 42--47.
- D. Eichmann, M. E. Ruiz, P. Srinivasan, W. N. Street, C. Culy,
and F. Menczer.
- A cluster-based approach to tracking,
detection and segmentation of broadcast news.
DARPA Broadcast News Workshop, Herndon, VA, Feb. 28 - Mar 3
- W. N. Street.
A neural network model for prognostic prediction.
In J. Shavlik, editor, Proceedings of the
Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Learning,
pages 540-546, San Francisco, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann.
- W. N. Street and O. L. Mangasarian.
Improved generalization via tolerant training.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 96(2):259-279,
February 1998.
- P. S. Bradley, O. L. Mangasarian, and W. N. Street.
Feature selection via mathematical programming.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 10(2):209-217, 1998.
- W. H. Wolberg, W. N. Street, and O. L. Mangasarian.
- Computer-derived nuclear features compared
with axillary lymph node status for breast cancer prognosis.
Cancer Cytopathology 81(3):172-179, 1997.
- P. S. Bradley, O. L. Mangasarian, and W. N. Street.
- Clustering via concave minimization.
In M. C. Mozer, M. I. Jordan and T. Petsche, eds.,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, pages
368-374, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
- W. H. Wolberg, W. N. Street, and O. L. Mangasarian.
- Computerized diagnosis of breast fine needle
The Breast Journal, Vol. 3 No. 2, pages 77-80, March/April 1997.
- M. W. Teague, W. H. Wolberg, W. N. Street, O. L. Mangasarian,
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- Indeterminate fine needle aspiration of
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Cancer Cytopathology 81: 129-135, 1997.
- W. N. Street, O. L. Mangasarian, and W. H. Wolberg.
Individual and collective prognostic prediction.
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- W. N. Street, O. L. Mangasarian, and W.H. Wolberg.
- An inductive learning approach to prognostic
In A. Prieditis and S. Russell, editors, Proceedings of the
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- O.L. Mangasarian, W.N. Street and W.H. Wolberg.
Breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis via linear programming.
Operations Research, 43(4):570-577, July-August 1995.
- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, D.M. Heisey, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Computer-derived nuclear features
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- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, D.M. Heisey, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Computerized breast cancer diagnosis and
prognosis from fine needle aspirates.
Archives of Surgery 130:511-516, 1995.
- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, D.M. Heisey, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Computer-derived nuclear ``grade'' and
breast cancer prognosis.
Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology, Vol. 17, No. 4, pages
257-264, August 1995.
- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Image analysis and machine learning applied
to breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis.
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April 1995.
- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Machine learning techniques to diagnose breast
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- J.S. Oghalai, W.N. Street, and W.S. Rhode.
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- W. N. Street.
- Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis via
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- O. L. Mangasarian, W. N. Street and W. H. Wolberg.
- Breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis via
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- W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, and O.L. Mangasarian.
- Breast cytology diagnosis via digital image
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- W.N. Street, W.H. Wolberg and O.L. Mangasarian
- Nuclear feature extraction for breast tumor
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