Articles in Journals
- Existence and Fairness of Value Allocation without Convex Preferences, Journal of Economic Theory, 31, 1983, 283-292
- Existence of Maximal Elements and Equilibria in Linear Topological Spaces (with N.D. Prabhakar), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 12, 1983, 233-245
- Non-Symmetric Cardinal Value Allocations (with A. Scafuri), Econometrica, 52, 1984, 1365-1368 (Reprinted in the “Collected Papers of R. J. Aumann”, MIT Press, 2000)
- Maximal Elements over Non-Compact Subsets of Linear Topological Spaces, Economics Letters, 17, 1985, 133-136
- On a Market Equilibrium Theorem with an Infinite Number of Commodities, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 108, 1985, 595-599
- Equilibria in Banach Lattices without Ordered Preferences (with W. Zame), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 15, 1986, 75-110
- Caratheodory-Type Selections and Random Fixed Point Theorems (with T. Kim and K. Prikry), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122, 1987, 393-407
- Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Models of Competition, Journal of Economic Theory, 41, 1987, 96-111
- On a Caratheodory-Type Selection Theorem (with T. Kim and K. Prikry), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 135, 1988, 664-670
- Fatou’s Lemma in Infinite Dimensional Spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 102, 1988, 303-310
- Weak Sequential Convergence in Lp(?,X), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 141, 1989, 72-83.
- Equilibria in Abstract Economies with a Measure Space of Agents and with an Infinite Dimensional Strategy Space (with T. Kim and K. Prikry), Journal of Approximation Theory, 56, 1989, 256-266
- On the Upper and Lower Semicontinuity of the Aumann Integral, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 19, 1990, 373-389
- The Core of an Economy with Differential Information, Economic Theory, 1, 1991, 183-198
- Edgeworth’s Conjecture in Economies with a Continuum of Agents and Commodities (with A. Rustichini), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20, 1991, 307-326.
- Incentive Compatibility and Information Superiority of the Core of an Economy with Differential Information (with L. Koutsougeras), Economic Theory, 3, 1993, 195-216
- On the Continuity of Expected Utility (with E. Balder), Economic Theory, 4, 1993, 625-643
- Convergence and Approximation Results for Non-Cooperative Bayesian Games: Learning Theorems (with L. Koutsougeras), Economic Theory, 4, 1994, 843-857
- An Elementary Proof of the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewitz-Shapley Theorem (with S. Krasa), Economic Theory, 4, 1994, 467-471
- The Value Allocation of an Economy with Differential Information (with S. Krasa), Econometrica, 62, 1994, 881-900
- Bounded Rationality and Learning (with Y. Nyarko and M. Woodford), Economic Theory, 4, 1994, 811-820
- Existence and Properties of a Value Allocation for an Economy with Differential Information (with S. Krasa), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 25, 1996, 165-179
- Efficiency and Incentive Compatibility in Differential Information Economies (with G. Hahn), Economic Theory, 10, 1997, 383-411
- Existence of Equilibrium in Bayesian Games with Infinitely Many Players (with T. Kim), Journal of Economic Theory, 77, 1997, 330-353
- Learning in Bayesian Games by Bounded Rational Players (with T. Kim), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1, 1997, 568-587
- Learning in Bayesian Games by Bounded Rational Players II: Non-Myopia (with K. Serfes), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2, 1998, 141-155
- Bounded Rational Learning in Differential Information Economies: Core and Value (with L. Koutsougeras), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 31; 1999, 373-391
- The Riesz-Kantorovich Formula and General Equilibrium Theory, (with C.D. Aliprantis and R. Tourky), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 34, 2000, 55-76
- Cone Conditions in General Equilibrium Theory (with C. D. Aliprantis and R. Tourky), Journal of Economic Theory, 92, 2000, 96-121
- Coalitional Bayesian Nash Implementation in Differential Information Economies (with G. Hahn), Economic Theory, 18, 2001, 485-509
- On Differential Information Economies, (with B. Allen), Economic Theory, 18, 2001, 263-273
- A Theory of Value with Non-Linear Prices: Equilibrium Analysis Beyond Vector Lattices (with C.D. Aliprantis and R. Tourky), Journal of Economic Theory, 100, 2001, 22-72
- An Extensive Form Interpretation of the Private Core (with D. Glycopantis and A. Muir), Economic Theory, 18, 2001, 293-319
- Markets with Many More Agents than Commodities: Aumann’s Hidden Assumption (with R. Tourky), Journal of Economic Theory, 101, 2001, 189-221
- A Bayesian Equilibrium Existence Theorem, Advances in Mathematical Economics, 4, 2002, 61-72
- On Extensive Form Implementation of Contracts in Differential Information Economies, (with D. Glycopantis and A. Muir), Economic Theory, 21, 2003 , 495-526
- Coalition Structure Values in Differential Information Economies: Is Unity a Strength? (with S. Krasa and A. Temimi), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 39, 2003, 51-62
- An Equivalence Theorem for a Differential Information Economy, (with C. Herves and E. Moreno), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 41, 2005, 844-856
- Non-Implementation of REE Allocations as a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium, (with D. Glycopantis and A. Muir), Economic Theory, 26, 2005 765-791
- Continuity Properties of the Private Core, (with E. Balder), Economic Theory, 29, 2006, 453 – 454
- On Extensive Form Implementation of Equilibria in Differential Information Economies, in Advances in Mathematical Economics, 8, 2006, 185 - 214
- Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in Games with Private and Public Information, (with H. Fu , Y. Sun and Z. Zhang), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43, 2007, 523-531
- Core, Equilibria and Incentives in Large Asymmetric Information Economies, (with Y. Sun), Games and Economics Behavior, 61, 2007 131-155
- Perfect Competition in Differential Information Economies: Compatibility of Efficiency and Incentives (with Y. Sun), Journal of Economic Theory, 134, 2007, 175-194
- Saturation and the Integration of Banach Valued Correspondences, (with Y. Sun), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44, 2008, 861-865
- Equilibrium Theory with Unbounded Consumption Sets and Non-Ordered Preferences, Part I, (with D. Won), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44, 2008, 1266-1283
- Capital Market Equilibrium without Riskless Assets: Heterogeneous Expectations, (with G. Hahn and D. Won), Annals of Finance, 4, 2008, 183-195
- Ex ante Efficiency implies Incentive Compatibility (with Y. Sun), Economic Theory, 36, 2008, 35-55
- Equilibrium Theory with Asymmetric Information and with Infinitely Many Commodities, (with K. Podczeck), Journal of Economic Theory, 141, 2008,152-183
- Debreu’s Social Equilibrium Theorem with a Continuum of Agents and Asymmetric Information, Economic Theory, 38, 2009, 419-432
- Bayesian Walrasian Expectations Equilibrium: Beyond the Rational Expectations Equilibrium, (with E. Balder), Economic Theory, 38, 2009, 385-397
- On non Revealing Rational Expectations Equilibrium, 2007, (with D. Glycopantis and A. Muir), Economic Theory, 38, 2009, 351-369
- Existence of an interim and ex-ante minimax point for an asymmetric game, Economics Letters, 108 (2010) 4-6
- Learning and Stability of the Bayesian Walrasian Equilibrium, (with M. Pesce), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46 (2010) 762–774
- Equilibrium Theory with Satiable and Non-Ordered Preferences, (with D. C. Won) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47 (2011) 245–250
- Core and Equilibria Under Ambiguity, (with L. de Castro and M. Pesce) Economic Theory, 48 (2011) 519-548
- Incentive Compatibility with Interdependent Preferences, (with M. Pesce) International Journal of Economic Theory, 8 (2012) 87-99
- Existence, Incentive Compatibility and Efficiency of the Rational Expectations Equilibrium, (with Y. Sun and L. Wu), Games and Economic Behavior, 76 (2012) 329-339
- Incentive Compatibility of Rational Expectations Equilibrium in Large Economies: A Counterexample, (with Y. Sun and L. Wu), Economic Theory Bulletin 1, 2013, 3-10
- An Interpretation of Ellsberg’s Paradox Based on Information and Incompleteness, (with L. de Castro), Economic Theory Bulletin 2, 2013, 139-144
- Aggregate Preferred Correspondence and the Existence of a Maximin REE, (with A. Bhowmik and J. Cao), Journal on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 414, 2014, 29-45
- On the Existence of Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria, (with P. Prokopovich), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 52, 2014, 87-97
- Discontinuous Games with Asymmetric Information: An extension of Reny’s Existence Theorem, (with W. He), Games and Economic Behavior, 91, 2015, 26-35
- Equilibria under Ambiguity, (with W. He), Journal on Mathematical Economics 61, 2015, 85-95
- Existence of Walrasian Equilibria with Discontinuous, Non-Ordered, Interdependent and Price Dependent Preferences, (with W. He), Economic Theory 61, 2016, 497-513
- Implementation under Ambiguity, (with L. de Castro and Z. Liu), Games and Economic Behavior, 2017
- Existence of Equilibria in Discontinuous Bayesian Games, (with W. He), Journal of Economic Theory, 162, 2016, 181-194
- A Remark on Discontinuous Games with Asymmetric Information and Ambiguity , (with W. He), Economic Theory Bulletin, 2016
- Implementation under Ambiguity: The Partition Model, (with L. de Castro and Z. Liu), Economic Theory, 63, 2017, 233-261
- Stable sets for exchange economies with interdependent preferences (with M.G. Graziano and C. Meo), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 140, 2017, 267-286
- Equilibria with Discontinuous Preferences: New Fixed Point Theorems, (with W. He), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 450, 2017, 1421-1433
- Equilibria and Incentives in Private Information Economies, (with X. Sun, Y. Sun, and L.Wu), Journal of Economic Theory, 169, 2017, 474-488
- On Strategic Complementarities in Discontinuous Games with Totally Ordered Strategies , (with P. Prokopovych), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 70, 2017, 147-173
- Uncertainty, Efficiency, and Incentive Compatibility: Ambiguity Solves the Conflict between Efficiency and Incentive Compatibility (with L. de Castro), Journal of Economic Theory, 177, 2018, 678-707
- The Maximin Equilibrium and the PBE under Ambiguity(with D. Glycopantis), Economic Theory Bulletin, 6, 2018, 183-199
- A New Approach to the Rational Expectations Equilibrium: Existence, Optimality and Incentive Compatibility (with L. de Castro and M. Pesce), Annals of Finance, 16, 2020, 1-61
- Incentive Compatability under Ambiguity (with H. Guo), Economic Theory, August 2020
- Full Implementation under Ambiguity (with H.Guo), American Economic Journal, 13(1), 2021, 148-178
- Convergence and Stability of Walrasian Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information (with M. Pesce), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 6(5), 2021, 961-978
- Persuasion in Asymmetric Information Economy: A Justification of Wald's Maxmin Preferences (with Z. Liu), Economic Theory, April 2021
- Mixed Strategy Implementation under Ambiguity (with Z. Liu), Economic Theory Bulletin, September 2021
- On Monotone Approximate and Exact Equilibria of an Asymmetric First-Price Auction with Affiliated Private Information (with P. Prokopovych), Journal of Economic Theory, (2019)
- Randomization under Ambiguity: Efficiency and Incentive Compatibility (with Z. Liu and X. Song), Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2020)
- Existence of Walrasian Equilibrium with Discontinuous Non-Ordered , Interdependent and Price Dependent Preferences Without Free Disposal and without Compact Consumption Sets, Economic Theory, 2022
- Robust Coalitional Implementation, Games and Economic Behavior, 2020
- On monotone pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibria of a generalized contest (with P. Prokopovych), Games and Economic Behavior, 2023
- On an Infinite Dimensional Generalization of the Excess Demand Theorem of David Gale (with B. Cornet and H. Guo), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 2023
- Existence of Walrasian equilibria with discontinuous, non-ordered, interdependent preferences, without free disposal, and with an infinitedimensional commodity space (with K. Podczeck), Economic Theory, 2024
- Equilibria in Abstract Economies with a Continuum of Agents with Discontinuous and Non-Ordered Preferences (with A. Bhowmik), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2024
- On the limit points of an infinitely repeated rational expectations equilibrium (with M. Pesce and N. Urbinati), Economic Theory, 2024
Parts of Books (Chapters)
- On Asymmetric Information in Finite Exchange Economies, (with D Glycopantis) in Essays in Economic Theory, E. Drandakis, D. Glycopantis and G. Stamatis, (eds.) Kritiki, 2007
- Equilibrium Concepts in Differential Information Economies, in Differential Information Economies, (D. Glycopantis and N.C. Yannelis, Eds. ) Springer, 2005
- Information, Efficiency and the Core of an Economy: Comments on Wilson’s paper, in Differential Information Economies, (D. Glycopantis and N.C. Yannelis, Eds. ) Springer, 2005
- “Extensive Form Implementation of Weak Fine Core Allocations Through Penalities,” (with D. Bernotas and D. Glycopantis) in “Essays in Economic Theory, Growth and Labor Markets, A Festchrift in Honor of E. Drandakis”, (G. Bitros and Y. Katsoulacos, Eds. ), Edward-Edgar, UK, 2002
- “Collusion and Distribution of Profits under Differential Information,” (with K. Serfes), in Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications, A. Alkan, C.D. Aliprantis, and N.C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1999
- “On the Existence of a Bayesian Nash Equilibrium” in Functional Analysis and Economic Theory, Y. Abramovich, E. Avgerinos, and N.C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1998
- “Commodity Pair Desirability and the Core Equivalence Theorem” (with A. Rustichini), in General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade, II, The Legacy of Lionel W. McKenzie, M. Boldrin, R. Becker, R. Jones and W. Thomson (eds.), Academic Press, 1993
- “Equilibrium Points of Non-Cooperative Random and Bayesian Games” (with A. Rustichini), in Riesz Spaces, Positive Operators and Economics, (eds.) C.D. Aliprantis, Border, K. and Luxemburg, W.J., Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “On the Existence of Correlated Equilibria” (with A. Rustichini), in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “The Core of an Economy without Ordered Preferences,” in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “What is Perfect Competition?” (with A. Rustichini), in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “Set-Valued Functions of Two Variables in Economic Theory,” in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “Equilibria in Random and Bayesian Games with a Continuum of Players” (with E. Balder), in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Agents and Commodities,” (with M. Ali Khan), in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “Integration of Banach-Valued Correspondences,” in Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Space, M. Ali Khan and Nicholas C. Yannelis (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991
- “Value and Fairness,” in Advances in Equilibrium Theory, Eds C. Aliprantis, et al., Springer-Verlag, 1985
- “On Perfectly Competitive Economies: Loeb Economies” (with D. Emmons), in Advances in Equilibrium Theory, Eds., C. Aliprantis, et al., Springer-Verlag, 1985.
Books and Journal Symposia
- Symposium in honor of Wayne J. Shafer (with S. Krasa and H. F. Sonneschein, Eds), Economic Theory, forthcoming
- Contributions in Economic Theory: Symposium in the honor of C.D. Aliprantis, co-Editor ( with B. Cornet and E.C. Prescott), Journal of Mathematical Economics 2008
- Rationality and Equilibrium: Symposium in the honor of Marchel K. Richter, (with C.D.Aliprantis, D. MacFadden, J. Moore and R. Matzkin ,eds.), Springer 2006.
- Differential Information Economies, (with D. Glycopantis, eds.), Springer 2005
- Co-Editor of a Special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2003
- Assets Beliefs and Equilbria in Economic Dynamics: Essays in honor of Mordecai Kurz, (with C. D. Aliprantis, K. Arrow, P. Hammond, F. Kubler and H. Wu, Eds.), Springer, 2003.
- Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications, (with A. Alkan and C.D. Aliprantis eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1999
- Functional Analysis and Economic Theory, (with Y. Abramovich, and E. Avgerinos, eds), Springer-Verlag, 1998
- Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Spaces (with M. Ali Khan eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991